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1. When picking a business partner, choose wisely.
2. When picking your marriage partner, choose wisely.
3. If someone shows you who they are; believe them. Please don’t try and win them over or try to change them.
4. Forgive yourself and others often. 
5. When life gets hard; remember to stand and to believe in yourself.
6. Money gives you control of your time.
7. You have to know when “enough” is for you. This applies to money, possessions or assets. When you look at the bank account, is that enough? When you look at your possessions, is that enough? You have to know the answer for yourself or the world will define “enough” for you and you will be constantly accumulating these things to meet the world’s standard.
8. You cannot use old strategies to lose weight, pivot your business or pursue personal growth.
9. You have to let your loved ones walk their own path.
10. Grief is a continuous process.

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